Can you invest 90 minutes of time to get better results with less frustration for 2013?

ATTN: Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners

How will it feel if you get to the end of 2013 and have EXACTLY the same results you did in 2012?

I am offering a FREE WORKSHOP!

Build your custom plan that encompasses your vision, your market, your goals & your strategies and even supports your celebrations — getting your Kick Butt results for 2013

This is an interactive workshop where you will leave with a plan!

Are you in?


What do you need to do differently in 2013 so you get better results? Do you know?

*  You need to know where you want to go. So many people aren’t clear about their goals. Their goals aren’t specific and measurable, even though they know they have a mission to change the world!

* You need a plan to get there. You can probably still get there without a good plan, but it is more likely that you will probably kill yourself before you achieve success…and definitely before you are able to change the world.

* You need a strategic plan. Without a solid strategy, the based-laid plans can be frustrating, overwhelming and quite frankly, ineffective to get you to your long-term goals.

Sign me up for free for Kick Butt results in 2013

If you have a vision and some clear goals and milestones and/or projects that you intend to accomplish in 2013, then you are perfect for this free workshop!

Get registered now and join me on Thursday, December 13!