Making the Most of Joint Ventures
I'm going to be doing a great call with Debbie LaChusa from the National Association of Home-Based Business Moms (NAHBM) Thursday (tomorrow!), and wanted
Social Networking Tip: Is Your Social Media Campaign Making You Money?
Social networking has turned into a frenzy of people creating Facebook profiles, Tweeting and blogging. But do you know if it is working for
The ABC’s of Social Media by Mari Smith
This is a MUST-READ for everyone who wants to know more about social media including Facebook and Twitter. My good friend Mari does a
Social Media Marketing Best Practices for Twitter
As a good friend and raving fan of Mari Smith, I make sure to read all of her blog posts (and much of her
3 Simple Steps to Winning Ideas
Ever get stuck with what to do? Or you have the glimmer of an idea but need to flesh it out? This is my
Meet me for lunch TODAY!
We all know how beneficial networking can be for our business, but as a busy solo-professional it's not always convenient or possible to spend