I am on a mission. And it’s a big mission. And I won’t stop until I’m done.
I am dedicated to shining the spotlight on profitable Lifestyle Entrepreneurs–who they are (so we can mentor them if we choose) and how they think (again, so we can understand how we can shift to accomplish what we want). I also plan to tap into their insights so we can identify and understand the strategies they have used to accomplish success.
The commonality between me, you and them?
The desire to live a great life while building a profitable, purposeful business AND maintaining health and great relationships.
The difference between me, you and them?
The ability to know what actions to take, what thoughts to think, and what support to lean on to develop this success.
Don’t get me wrong: I have lived that great life where I had a successful, profitable business and an amazing life. But it wasn’t conscious.
So, after at least a dozen people approached me saying, “You are the Queen of Connections. Connect me to someone who has built a profitable business without destroying other aspects of her life. And preferably, running her business part-time.”
And I was stumped. I was able to refer them to 1-2 people, but I really believed there had to be more.
So that’s the back story. Here’s what I have uncovered:
13 Amazing Women On-Purpose
These women have built profitable businesses while maintaining health, relationships, and happiness. (Sorry men, didn’t mean to exclude but no men were referred to me in my R&D campaign.) Notice I didn’t say that they achieved health, relationships and happiness AFTER they built a success, profitable business. They were all on a maintenance program, determined to build on the positive qualities of their life, not destroy and rebuild.
Here are the questions I asked and the qualifications I included:
1. Do you work (on average) less than 30 hours weekly on your business?
2. Do you feel “successful” in your relationships?
3. Do you have business success?
REQUIRED: You MUST invest profits into a LIFESTYLE and not just back into the business.
Below is the list of women (plus 3 great women who work more than 30 hours but have taken a stand for having a life and are just amazing) and a quote or mantra they wanted to share:
1. Shawn Driscoll, ShawnDriscoll.com – “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
– Howard Thurman
2. Jennifer Cannon, Legna Marketing Group and Cupcake Whimsey – “Stop and smell the roses…but if you can use that rose to market or advertise…use that rose to make you money”
3. Tera McHugh, Association of Women Entrepreneurs – The strength of your business (& personal) growth depend on the relationships you build AND as Jim Rohn said “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
4. Sheri Keys, Smart Women Institute – Be of service.
5. Angela Minelli, Angela Minelli Int’l – Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine and Thy Medicine Be Thy Food – Hippocrates
6. Shannon Cherry, ShannonCherry.com – The trick is to enjoy life. Don’t wish away your days waiting for better ones ahead. – Margaret Ray Hinkley
7. Joan-Marie Whelan, Intuitive Business Consultant – You are all ready whole. What you are longing for is waiting for you. The key is to open your heart and receive the gift.
8. Danielle M Miller, Brand Strategist – Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. –Steve Jobs
9. Dr. Susan Giurleo, DrSusanGiurleo.com – The path to success is to plan your business around your lifestyle needs, not the other way around.
10. Tina Forsyth, Author of The Entrepreneur’s Trap (available on Amazon) – “Stop Working Weekends! You don’t have to work weekends to be successful. ”
11. Debi Silber, MS, RD, WHC, FDN The Mojo Coach®, Lifestyle Fitness, Inc. – “Every choice you make brings you further or closer to the life you want-choose wisely”
12. Nancy Marmolejo, Nancita, Inc. – “Leap and the net will appear!”
The 3 women listed below helped contribute and inspire the vision for this post. They are true Lifestyle Entrepreneurs but average more than 30 hours of work in their business weekly.
14. Andrea J Lee, Wealthy Thought Leaders and Thought Partners Int’l Ltd. – “Inside every smart entrepreneur wages an internal battle. It’s daily battle between putting your head in the yoke and following the beaten path… or leaping at the creative impulse to think for yourself.” “Your actions speak so loudly, I can’t hear what you’re saying.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
15. Kendra E Thornbury, KendraThornbury.com – I prosper by being true to me. I freely, joyously and gratefully receive the riches of the Universe and expand the world by doing so.
16. Chelsea Berler, Solamar Agency – “Focus on making a difference in business and in life – every single day. That’s the key to success.”
What do Lifestyle Entrepreneurs have in common?
When analyzing the results of my survey that allowed me to qualify everyone listed above, there were a few common themes that were identified and worthy of sharing with you.
When asked “where do you invest the profits of your business?” a majority of these women listed the following:
• Vacation/Travel
• Lifestyle including nice house, clothes, private schools for kids, great food, alternative health care and more
• Retirement Savings/Financial Security
• Giving Back/Charitable contributions of both time and money
The common message connecting all of these great women?
Live for the NOW and not for the future. ALL of these women are and have been living life on purpose, making sure that their business is an extension of their lifestyle and not the other way around.
Are you living on purpose? What can you shift NOW so that you can be a lifestyle entrepreneur NOW instead of some day?