Meet MaryPat
What I’m About
I care about people, and I’m a true advocate for not just my clients, but causes in my community and my family. Because of this, I bring a heartfelt and “human” level of personality to the table that I combine with a high business acumen that I’ve developed over the last 25+ years
Over those years, I’ve learned that I like to put my own unique stamp on everything I do in life; business, community, family, and relationships. I’ve discovered that I never want to stop learning and growing in the very same aspects of my life.
I am a serial entrepreneur, business owner, and multinational business leader in addition to a published business & leadership author. I find that balancing being a leader with being active in my community adds to my leadership strengths.

As a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator, and with a certification from the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership (CISL) in High-Impact Leadership, and a certification in Group Coaching Mastery & Curriculum Development, I bring my passion for courage in business, and coaching leaders and entrepreneurs together to create a keynote, course, workshop or retreat that is tailored to the needs of your group.
The courses I teach empower and encourage today’s business professionals into tomorrow’s business leaders. As someone who has used this training to advance my own career and growth, I know how to help you build a successful, lifestyle business where you love your work and your life as well!
A little more about me?
I am someone who is responsible and gets stuff done. More importantly, we prioritize stuff getting done that takes you closer to your goals…and you are no longer alone in your business decisions.
According to Gallup’s Strengths Finder assessment, I lead with:
- Responsibility
- Achiever
I am a strategic thinker who gets things done. According to Kolbe, I am strong with FactFinder. I look at the information and we make decisions based on the numbers, results, and your strengths and natural genius.
I am a manager of systems and processes, and I can make strategic improvements to yield better results. I am NOT spontaneous, and while I can jump in for those fire-fighting moments in business, at the first chance to look up, we will get back to strategic direction for positive results.

The Personal Side
I love old homes. Old homes have so much character, and you can’t help but be filled with wonder about the stories they’ve seen, and what they will see in the future. Sometimes, when I see a particularly unique old home, I have an urge to sit with a glass of wine and imagine. Imagine all these past, present, and future stories that live within the walls. I take this approach to businesses and people, too. All companies and people have a story, and I want to understand their past, present, and help them have a vision for their future. I want to understand what makes them tick and help them pave a path to the future.