Whole Heart Leadership [video]

Leading with your whole heart is essential for the future of leaders. In this episode, we will dig in to HOW TO LEAD WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART while having HIGH-IMPACT RESULTS.

Inspired by the High-Impact Leadership programming at the Cambridge University’s Institute of Sustainable Leadership, the research of Brené Brown’s Dare To Lead™ programming, and the 30+ years of running businesses including a cafe, a furniture store, an estate-buying business, a networking franchise chapter, a legal marketing agency and a marketing & consulting firm, this series of LIVE streaming episodes will feature the lessons learned alongside the skills necessary for the future of leaders to achieve high-impact without the burnout.

This is the first in a Friday series…stay tuned.

Leadership With Your Whole Heart for High-Impact Results

Here is the recording from last Friday. If you want to register for this Friday’s event, featuring the Masculine v Feminine Energy and how to marry them to create high-impact results, you can register here: https://www.linkedin.com/events/7061669180210569216/comments/

To catch up on the entire series, go to https://www.marypatspeaks.com/tag/daring-leaders/

For more about Daring Leadership, here are some of our popular posts.

Feeling polarized? Bridge the gap.

Creating a bridge in relationships to see another’s perspective is key to human connection, but can be difficult when there are opposing views. MaryPat Kavanagh offers tips on how to make the conversation more effective.

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